Friday, May 20, 2011

ABH Statement on Senate Ways & Means FY 2012 Spending Plan

May 18, 2011

The Massachusetts Senate showed tremendous leadership today by continuing the Commonwealth’s commitment to provide critical services to individuals with behavioral health disorders.

We applaud the efforts of Senate President Therese Murray, Ways & Means Chairman Stephen Brewer, and the other members of the Ways & Means Committee for choosing to invest in community-based services for individuals with mental health and addiction disorders.

In today's Ways & Means Committee budget, the Senate recommended an overall increase of approximately $16.5 million in spending for the Department of Mental Health above the current year appropriation level (when taking into account the FY 2011 supplemental budget). The Senate budget recommendation is approximately $38 million higher than Governor Patrick’s budget proposal.

The Senate’s budget includes a proposed $5.5 million increase for adult community services over the FY 2011 budget and a $2.8 million increase for DMH inpatient facilities. The budget also authorizes the Department to expend $10 million from DMH Trust Funds for DMH inpatient and adult community services.

In addition, the Ways & Means Committee level funded the Bureau of Substance Abuses Services, including funding for step-down services, secure treatment facilities and family intervention and care. These services are vitally important for individuals and their families who are struggling with alcohol and drug addiction.

We look forward to working with members of the Senate to support line items affecting child and adolescent services during the budget debate next week.

Overall, the Senate acted with great responsibility and compassion in continuing to fund community-based behavioral health services.